HPV (Human papillomavirus) currently is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States, and it can lead to various types of cervical cancer and genital warts. According to the CDC, approximately 79 million Americans carry the virus and nearly all sexually active males and females will get some form of HPV at some point in their lives. That is why it is essential for you to take the necessary steps in order to protect yourself from the harmful virus. All Illinois Abortion Clinics offer the only approved vaccine for HPV, Gardasil, which involves a series of three shots in the arm. For more advanced cases of HPV, we also offer special colposcopy treatments for patients who have abnormal Pap smears, cervical abnormalities, or difficulties with detection of HPV. Our physicians and pathologists will coordinate to protect you from HPV inoculation or, if necessary, to diagnose HPV and provide the best possible treatment plan for you. January is designated as Cervical Health Awareness Month with the emphasis on early detection being key. It is important to be tested if you think you might have HPV, please call us or book your appointment today for confidential HPV Testing or Gardasil to help prevent certain types of Cervical Cancer.

Have a question? Call us at (866) 569-5100. We are answering phones and offer Free Consultations 7 days a week.  CLICK HERE to request an appointment online.

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